This is the Service Portal Area of Sarajevo Youth Film Festival
Ovo je servis portal Omladinskog Film Festivala Sarajevo
Servisni portal Telemach Omladinskog Film Festivala Sarajevo je jedinstveno mjesto za sve učesnike festivala – za reditelje, goste, žiri, medije, volontere, sponzore i drufe. Sistem je kreairan tako da svakom nosiocu akreditacije da unikatno, personalizirano iskustvo, zavisno od njegove uloge i razloga boravka na Festivalu. Off.filmchief.com predstavlja jedinstveni portal za komunikaciju i organizaciju između Festivala i gostiju, kao i festivala i publike.
The Sarajevo Youth Film Festival service portal is a unique place for all festival participants, from authors, directors, guests, juries, to media, volunteers, sponsors and others. The system was created to give each holder of the accreditation a unique, personalized experience, depending on their role and reason for being at the Festival. Off.filmchief.com represents a unique portal for communication and organization between the Festival and guests, as well as the festival and the audience.
Za goste i profesionalce/For Guests and Professionals
Vaš film je selektovan za oficijelni program, potrebno je da se akreditujete, rezervišete smještaj i dobijete sve pojedinosti vašeg učešća na Festivalu? Registrujte se ili prijavite, a od momenta registracije naš tim iz Ureda za goste biće Vam na usluzi i od pomoći!.
Za publiku
Publika je najvažniji segment našeg Festivala, bez publike OFF ne bi bio to što jeste. Upravo zato potrudili smo se da kupovina karata i akreditacija bude više nego jednostavna, a sigurna! Od 2023. godine, kupovina akreditacija biće moguća isključivo on-line. Kupovina karata biće moguća on-line te na dan otvaranja Festivaa u sklopu našeg Box Office centra, s tim što karte neće biti printane već isključivo Vam dostavljene u elektronskoj formi, čak i kada ih kupite u našem Box Office-u.
Za medije
Svi zainteresovani predstavnici medija putem ovog portala mogu aplicirati za akreditaciju. Pored toga, prijavom na servisni portal svi mediji dobijaju pristup svim press materijalima prije i tokom Festivala (foto, audio, video..).
Za volontere
Želite volontirati na Telemach Omladinskom Film Festivalu Sarajevo? Na pravom ste mjestu. Na ovom portalu ćete izvršiti svoju prijavu, a onog momenta kada budete odabrani da postanete dio našeg volonterskog tima, prijavom na ovaj portal moći ćete pratiti svoja zaduženja, raspored te preuzimati karte za filmove koje želite gledati kada niste na zadatku!
For Guests and Professionals
Your film has been selected for the official program, you need to get accredited, book accommodation and get all the details of your participation in the Festival - you are in the right place! Register or apply, and from the moment of registration our team from the Guest Office will be at your service and helpful!.
The service portal of the Sarajevo Youth Film Festival is the place where you register your films, OFF Pro Industry Days projects, apply for accreditation and buy or download free tickets.
For the audience
The audience is the most important segment of our Festival, without the audience OFF would not be what it is. That's exactly why we tried to make buying tickets and accreditation more than simple and safe! From 2023, the purchase of accreditations will be possible exclusively online. Buying tickets will be possible online and before the Festival in our Box Office center, with the fact that the tickets will not be printed but exclusively delivered to you in electronic form, even when you buy them in our Box Office.
For the media
All interested media representatives can apply for accreditation through this portal. In addition, by logging in to the service portal, all media get access to all press materials before and during the Festival (photos, audio, video...).
For volunteers
Do you want to volunteer at the Telemach Youth Film Festival Sarajevo? You are in the right place. You will complete your application on this portal, and the moment you are selected to become part of our volunteer team, by logging on to this portal you will be able to track your duties, schedule and download tickets for the movies you want to watch when you are not on assignment!